Imperfect, but hopefully useful, articles I’ve made while documenting how I’ve done something or things I want to share.

These posts may be disorganized, incorrect, incomplete, and you should perhaps really think of them as notes.

有瑕疵的钻石胜过没有瑕疵的卵石 (Better a diamond with a flaw than a pebble without.)


Dit que le mieux est l’ennemi du bien. (Perfect is the enemy of good.)


Counter-Strike 1.6 Server (Linux)

How to run a Counter-Strike 1.6 server in Linux (namely Debian). I even go into some bonus materials, like making bonus assets (maps, sounds, etc.) download quickly, making statistics accessible as JSON via HTTPS.

Set up an IRC Server

My journey setting up a little IRC server, with SSL support and services, on Debian 12.

Nix Flake a Haskell Project

I wrote these notes because I wante to reduce the friction for myself and others to getting a Nix Flake working for their Haskell Project.

Using the Gopher Protocol

The point of this article is to get you browsing gopherspace quickly and to share some of my favorite gopherholes…